The Profitable Marketing Results Coaching Program
Why Sign Up for The The Profitable Marketing Results Coaching Program  

Here’s Your Chance to Enroll More Clients, Boost Your Profits and Simplify Your Marketing Efforts!

If you’re ready for personalized support, step by step marketing strategies that work and a more profitable business in the coming year – I’ve got great news for you!

I’m opening up my vault of PROVEN techniques for increasing your income and experiencing the FREEDOM, PROFITS and SUCCESS that you’ve been looking for!

Sydni Craig Hart

I’m Sydni Craig-Hart, the Smart Simple Marketing Coach, and I’m known for helping small business owners create highly successful and lifestyle focused businesses. My #1 goal is to teach you to increase your profits and enjoy more success in your business.

Perhaps you’re a business owner who is great at what you do, but find marketing to be overwhelming and time consuming.

Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur who is uncomfortable with “putting yourself out there” – so you’re trying to figure out a way to create visibility in a “down to earth” and hype free way.

It could be that you have recently realized that achieving your goals will require an upgrade in your marketing efforts, but you don't know where to start. So you need a helping hand and want to be pointed in the right direction.

If this sounds familiar, believe me, I understand. I work with entrepreneurs just like you every single day to help them address and overcome these exact challenges.

I know that you are smart, you’re motivated and you’ve got a lot to offer your clients. I also know that you love the work you do, and I believe it's time you made a great living doing it.


You are passionate about your business and know you have what it takes to be successful – but right now you really need to increase your cash-flow and keep a steady stream of clients.

You could try to figure out how to create a profitable business on your own. But that will cost you time and money that you don’t want to waste.

I know that you’re working long hours and not seeing the results you want right now. You might feel like you have a long way to go before you feel successful. You want to your business to reach its full potential – but at this moment, you don’t know what you don’t know about the right marketing, the kind of specific marketing steps that you can use consistently and reliably to help grow your business.

I can help you to create a simple marketing plan that keeps you focused and gets results. AND I will help you to implement that plan so you stay on track and achieve your goals.


I imagine you are in the "ramp up" phase of your business and need help developing a marketing process that feels comfortable and authentic. Your biggest focus right now is on getting a lot more clients enrolled into your offerings. You need help with creating a simple strategic plan that will keep your pipeline full of potential clients, turn more of your prospects into paying customers and do all of this reliably and consistently.

You need to outline specific goals, create accountability and develop focus so you can move your business in the right direction, start working smarter instead of harder and feel the success that you want.

Having the support of a coach and a team of like-minded entrepreners who will hold your feet to the fire will ensure you make progress faster than ever before!


Are you ready to create a well-oiled marketing machine that will bring in new prospects, new opportunities and higher profits?

It’s time to get the help, support and accountability that will take your business to the next level.

Registering for Profitable Marketing Results™
is the first step!

This program is unlike any other coaching or business development program you've seen. It’s not about abstract theories and concepts. It’s not about motivating you to succeed with lots of pep talk.

It’s about getting clear on what needs to be done in your business, setting up step by step strategies that will get results – and doing the work to bring those results into reality! This program will eliminate the “I don’t know what I don’t know” problem and give you support with your specific marketing challenges and concerns.

Profitable Marketing Results is a 6 month program of intensive marketing training and coaching designed to help you reach your full business potential. This program has been completely updated for 2012! You’ll join me and a small group of other dedicated entrepreneurs and you’ll learn how to:

  • Fill Your Practice With Ideal Clients: Many solopreneurs struggle to attract clients to their small business consistently--especially when first starting out. I’ll share my best strategies for defining the right client for your business and how to get in front of them consistently to sell your solutions and enroll them in your practice.
  • Create Instant Revenue In Your Business: How would your life and your business be different if you were able to create an additional $500 in revenue TODAY? What about an additional $1,000? Or $5,000? "Hidden" profits are yours for the taking, simply by packaging your expertise in an attractive way for clients and referral partners. I'm going to teach you NINE different ways to increase your profits NOW and expand your reach so you're helping more people than ever before.
  • Create Your First Information Product: There isn't a business around that can't enjoy more profits from selling information products. Information products allow you to leverage your time because they sell 24/7, while you’re sleeping, while you’re on vacation or while you’re working on other projects. Even FREE products can make you more money! I'm going to walk you step by step through how to create one of your own AND how to sell it over and over again to create a stream of income without any further effort on your part.
  • Launch Your Products, Programs and Services to Instant Success: "Hanging out your shingle" is not the profitable way to launch your offerings. The truth is there is a specific formula to follow to launch your products, programs and services successfully...certain steps that you must follow in a particular order. I've been launching my own offerings and have managed countless launches for clients for almost 6 years. The formula works. Period. I'll teach you what to do and what not to do for guaranteed launch success.
  • Simple Steps To Marketing Your Business Using Email: Forsolopreneurs, email marketing is one of THE best strategies for developing a strong relationship with your target market and creating new income streams. It's one of the best stay-in-touch techniques around, IF you do it properly. Email marketing has been one of the major reasons I have been able to create 3 successful businesses in just six years. I'll teach you how to convert your email marketing list into qualified leads so you can help more people. This training will also  include advice on which systems and technology to use and how to create email content to boost your income.
  • Harness the Power of Social Media and Blogging: Social media marketing is all the rage. But without a strategic plan, you'll find yourself wasting a LOT of time and money. In this module, wee’ll cover simple strategies for managing your marketing time and tools to help you really connect with your audience effortlessly. Plus, you’ll learn from case studies and examples from my personal experience on how I’ve leveraged social media for more exposure and higher profits! You’ll finish this module with a STEP-BY-STEP plan for social media success.

Each month, you’ll enjoy in depth training sessions, receive  detailed action plans,  participate in LIVE group coaching calls with me, take part in LIVE Q and A calls with me which will cover your most pressing and specific business questions, exclusive email support, recordings and transcripts of all calls, an accountability buddy to help keep you focused and special bonuses and gifts throughout the year.

If you believe this program is right for you, register now – I’m limiting enrollment to a small group of motivated entrepreneurs.

Join Profitable Marketing Results™ and make 2012 your best year yet!

Grab your spot in this brand new 6 month training program! With the advanced marketing training and step by step plans, you’ll see the freedom, profits and success that you wantin the coming year!

All The Goodies You'll Receive  
In-depth training sessions on featured topics

Each month, on the 1st, you’ll receive access to a private audio training designed exclusively for members of “Profitable Marketing Results.” Each 60 minute training sessions is focused on a specific topic — with instruction training on that topic. After listening to these audios, I’m confident that you’ll be energized and excited about putting these strategies to work in your business immediately.

Remember — these calls aren’t “fluffy” overview some rehashed marketing training. It’s detailed, specific and real world tested training – with step by step proven strategies and case studies to guarantee your success. (a $3,000 value)

Step-by-step implementation action guides

The overall theme of this coaching program is IMPLEMENTATION! Each month, in order to ensure you implement what you learned, you’ll also receive a step-by-step ACTION GUIDE for each topic so you can put your new knowledge into action.
I've mapped out detailed instructions to provide you with a step-by-step roadmap that you can follow with ease – there will be none of that "where do I start first?".

As an added bonus, I've included details on ALL of the resources that you need to save you the trouble of resourcing and vetting vendors. You can INSTANTLY download the monthly plan so it’s easy to follow and IMPLEMENT. A written worksheet like this ensures that you take ACTION on all the great ideas you’ll discover as a member, so you can create results quickly.

Consistent implementation is the key to success. And having a step-by-step checklist to follow will make this easier for you than ever before. (a $600 value)

6 LIVE group coaching calls with Sydni

These LIVE group coaching sessions are where you, I and your fellow coaching colleagues meet each month in order to address specific issues that are important to YOU. This is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to limit the group to just 14! Getting to the core of what is driving your business just isn’t possible in a large group setting. Regularly meeting with me for laser targeted coaching will keep you motivated and help you create more results in your business. (NOTE, there will be no call during May 2011). (a $4,500 value)

These Q&A calls bring the whole group together for a live chat where I answer your personal questions and share resources designed just for you and your fellow program participants.  Even if you don’t have specific questions of your own, learning from your fellow solopreneurs is invaluable for you. Others questions and experiences will allow you to learn MORE than you would by going it alone!

You can ask me ANYTHING about marketing or business success—even if it’s not directly related to the topic covered during the module. This opens the door for you to get the answers to your questions that you need so you can see more success! (There will be no calls scheduled during May 2011.) (a $4,500 value)

Q&A calls 6 LIVE Q&A coaching calls with Sydni

These Q&A calls bring the whole group together for a live chat where I answer your personal questions and share resources designed just for you and your fellow program participants.  Even if you don’t have specific questions of your own, learning from your fellow solopreneurs is invaluable for you. Others questions and experiences will allow you to learn MORE than you would by going it alone!

You can ask me ANYTHING about marketing or business success—even if it’s not directly related to the topic covered during the module. This opens the door for you to get the answers to your questions that you need so you can see more success! (There will be no calls scheduled during May 2011.) (a $3,000 value)

Online & MP3 recordings of all calls

Life happens! If you miss a scheduled call, you still have a chance to learn from all of the great training and coaching sessions. Each call is recorded and posted (usually within 24 hours) so you’ll never miss a beat.

You can listen to the recording online or download it as a MP3 file you can listen to on the go on your iPod or MP3 player. (a $600 value)

PDF Transcripts Written transcripts of each training module

If you’re a visual learner, don’t worry! I also have each training audio TRANSCRIBED, so you can read and follow along with the audio if you wish, or simply read the transcript by itself!

Transcripts are posted as a PDF format online for IMMEDIATE download. (a $600 value)

Exclusive email support forum

Connecting regularly with like-minded professionals can be a powerful tool for a successful business. In fact, my participation in a group program is one of the key reasons that I was able to catapult my business over the past twelve months. I knew that this was going to be an important part of this unique program.

Your access to the private discussion forum allows you to connect with entrepreneurs just like you who are SERIOUS about transforming their businesses. You’ll get support, encouragement and find potential joint venture opportunities by connecting with other like-minded members of this group.

And best of all – your fellow coaching members are never far away! You can email the group from your own email service so you can get instant access to their insights and leadership. No logins to remember!

It’s amazing to see how resources, ideas and encouragement are shared between members. No matter what marketing challenge you are facing right now, there’s a good chance that another member has the answer to easing your pain and ending your struggle. (Value: Priceless!)

PDF Transcripts Accountability buddy for additional support

One of the best elements of this group coaching program is that you have the opportunity to partner with another member and support one another. In my last mastermind program checked-in with my buddy EACH week. Having my weekly chat with her provided me with added accountability between calls with my coach. My buddy and I shared our successes, struggles and bounce ideas off of each other. It's made a world of difference in what I accomplished with my marketing each week.

I've created this same positive experience for you. Once you register, you will have the opportunity to partner with a buddy in the program. The two of you can work out a work schedule and plan that are mutually convenient. (Value: Priceless!)

Exclusive discounts on all products and programs released during your membership

I have some exciting new resources I’m developing for 2011 – and as a Profitable Marketing Results member, you’ll be among the first to know about them!  Plus, you’ll receive exclusive discounts on new products and programs that I release during the year. It’s like being part of a special discount club! Even my long term list members aren’t going to see deals like these, so you're in for some special treats. (a $2,000 value)

Surprise bonuses!

You’ll learn about me that I absolutely LOVE giving gifts! So, not only will you receive all of the great content and bonuses listed above, but you’ll also be surprised throughout the year with additional free resources, training and specials that are exclusive to this group, just because I want to. (Value: Priceless!)

Register Before February 29 And Receive These Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - A Private 30 Minute Strategy with Sydni! (a $250 value)
One on one, we’ll go over your most pressing business questions and outline a unique strategy for your business and your goals. In this session, you’ll get the personal advice that can make the difference for you in 2012.

In this kick-off strategy session, you’ll get one-on-one advice specific to your most pressing business challenges. This is your chance to “pick my brain” about your marketing, your ideal client, your mindset or any other issues that are holding you back. As we speak, you’ll gain the clarity and focus that you need to hit 2012 running and get the most out of the six month program.


Bonus #2 – “How to Create the Mindset For Marketing Success” Training Course (a $300 value)
You can learn every business and marketing success strategy in the world, but it won’t make a bit of difference until you embrace the RIGHT mindset. It’s not just about having a positive attitude. It’s about eliminating self-doubt. It’s about learning how to take action despite any fears you may be experiencing. It’s about getting rid of limiting beliefs. It’s about breaking through the “it’s got to be perfect before I can start” syndrome!

In this exclusive, I’ll share the exact strategies I use to develop a “Mindset for Marketing Success” and how to maintain this mindset when the going gets tough. This report is going to set a solid foundation for your continued success!


Register NOW to take advantage of these special bonuses – I can’t wait to speak with you one-on-one and learn more about your goals.

Guarantee and Promise

Our Guarantee and Personal Promise to You...

If you fully participate in the program — work through the training materials, do the homework, and participate in the coaching and Q&A calls and you do not learn anything new to help you attract more clients, increase your profits and have a more successful business, we'll refund 100% of your investment

All you need to do is contact our team to share your homework and what you have implemented and taken action on with us — This way, we can be of service to you, and we can continue to improve.





"I have a clear roadmap…in the space of one week I gained 4 new clients!"

When I connected with Sydni, my business was not doing well at all. I had started earlier that year but was distracted, unfocused and simply unable to concentrate. I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. I was desperate.

After working with Sydni, I now have a clear roadmap on where I am today, where I want to go and what I am doing. I'm now using a lot of tools to make my job easier – including a CRM, something I would have never attempted to use before. In the space of one week, I gained four new clients.

If you are unclear and confused, and looking for a formula for success, you should seek out Sydni. Not only is her advice 200% on all of the time, you get her fabulousness as a bonus!"

Angie Glotzbach
Marketing Virtual Assistant - AngCo, LLC
Minneapolis, MN



"I now have a plan in place and I'm accountable to achieving it!"

Nancy Meadows"When I started working with Sydni, I was overwhelmed, I wasn’t sure how to market. I wasn’t sure about social media. I “flunked” being a techy. I was ready for a change. .

After working with Sydni, I now have a plan in place and I’m accountable to achieving it. Each day gets me another step closer and I’ve achieved a lot of my goals for this year. I’ve had one new client came in through my website so far – which is a big milestone! Up until then I hadn’t had anyone come through the website. I was thrilled. I’m also getting more active on social media and have started using Facebook and LinkedIn per Sydni’s instructions.

I tell other people that Sydni is the person that they need to go to – without hesitation. She supportive, knowledgeable and I’m so glad I chose to work with her!"

Nancy Meadows
Interior Designer - Nancy Meadows Designs
Kirkland, CA




"With Sydni's help I got my first coaching program in place, gained 10 new clients, increased my social media presence, put together my Twitter marketing strategy and Facebook fan page plan!"

"I was really brand new," says Jodi, "I wanted to get my systems in place, but have a tendency to get overwhelmed. I needed to do this, to do that….it just seemed like there was so much to do I didn't know where to start!"

After working with Sydni, Jodi felt more confident and empowered in her business.

"With Sydni I got my first coaching program in place and I increased my social media presence. I've put together my Twitter marketing strategy and Facebook fan page plan," she explained. Jodi's first group program gained her 10 new clients, and she's planning her next steps under Sydni's marketing plan.

"Sydni delivers exactly what she promises and more. She used these same systems to build her very successful business and she's willing to share the good, the bad and the ugly," Jodi said, "She tells you what isn't going to work and shares her best strategies so that other people can benefit."

Working with Sydni helped Jodi get the practical tools she needed to launch her business into success, along with the boost of confidence she needed. "She takes the guesswork out of it for you and takes the anxiety away," shares Jodi, "She can save you steps so you don't have to figure it out to get to step one."

Jodi Krizer Graber
Wellness Coach - Bravo Wellness
New York, NY




"I saw immediate benefits from working with Sydni that gave me the traction I needed to get my business off to the right start."

Relationship coach Sarah Anma was ready to start her new business, but had no idea where to start. She had gathered a lot of information and ideas but needed help making sense of it all so she could develop a workable plan.

"I had a lot of information and ideas, but I needed help putting it in order," says Sarah. Her main challenge was developing a clear picture of her ideal client so she could create a plan to reach out and develop relationships with prospects and clients."

"When I recommend people to Sydni, I say 'run, don't walk.' If you need a clear and easy to follow marketing plan that will get you results, go with Sydni ."

"Sydni is really smart – she knows her stuff!" Sarah continued, "She breaks it down to manageable and simple steps that you can use in your business. Sydni has some amazing resources and has a huge breadth of knowledge to help you. No matter what you need or what bumps you're experiencing, Sydni has been there."

Sarah saw immediate benefits from working with Sydni that gave her the traction she needed to get her business off to the right start. "She helped me create and launch a product from things that I already had," said Sarah, "It was great to make something new from resources I already had."

"I would recommend Sydni's services to anyone," she shares, "I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with her."

Sarah Anma
Relationship Coach - The Art of Relationship
San Francisco, CA




"After working with Sydni, I had a straightforward plan and answers to all of my questions!"

“When I started working with Sydni, I was just starting full time on my own. I was overwhelmed, scared and not sure about the right next steps to take. I knew I had the potential to do more but I wasn’t sure what to do first.

After working with Sydni, I had a straightforward plan and answers to all of my questions. She really takes you to the next level and helps you work on developing the mindset
that you need to get there.Working with her, I felt more empowered to go that next step.

After working with her, I’ve close to doubled the number of my newsletter opt ins. She’s been instrumental in helping me develop a pricing structure so that it makes the most sense for my clients and the most sense for me too. Just recently, I successfully launched a brand-new paid webinar series and enrolled 30 clients into the program!

Sydni provides the most robust content and training online. I recommend her to my clients all the time because she gives way more value than she’s charging.”

Chrissy Scivicque
Writer, Editor and Career Coach
Atlanta, GA




"By implementing just one of the many strategies that she’s shared with me, I’m already seeing results!

"Working with Sydni has been really invaluable and crucial for me moving forward strategically in my Virtual Assistant business goals. I’m grateful for the guidance and feedback that she provided to me through her coaching programs.

One of the most significant changes was taking her advice on gathering referrals. Instead of offering a referral program, as I had planned, I just asked for referrals flat out.  We retained a new client with this strategy that will generate over $6,000 in the next 6 months alone, and I saved money on the front-end by eliminating referral fee payouts.

By implementing just one of the many strategies that she’s shared with me, I’m already seeing results – and I can’t wait to see what the future will bring!"

Emily Morgan
Vitrual Assistant - Delegate Solutions / Entrepreneur’s Entourage
Lindenwold, NJ


This program is so valuable and so affordable that you CAN'T afford to miss this opportunity.

If you're ready to create a more profitable, successful business, don't procastinate...take action NOW!

I can't wait to start working with you!

Sydni Craig Hart

To Your Success —


Sydni Craig-Hart
The Smart Simple Marketing Coach™

P.S. Don’t forget! The program is limited to just 14 entrepreneurs – and you've got a two day head start on the rest of my list. Take advantage of that and secure before I swing the door wide open!

About Sydni Craig-Hart, The Smart Simple Marketing Coach™

Sydni Craig-Hart, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach™," Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple and customized strategies so clients realize their professional and personal dreams. She has worked with hundreds of clients in over 50 different industries to help them attract more clients, develop multiple streams of income, discover untapped profit centers, gain national recognition, and create profitable businesses in which they enjoy the lifestyles they choose.

By teaching specific "how to" steps that implement a successful strategy, Sydni eliminates marketing overwhelm and helps clients breakdown difficult projects into simple tasks that get results. Says Sydni, "Every person who goes into business for themselves has a vision of what it will look like when they start. If you've been an entrepreneur for a while and your business doesn't quite look like your vision, it would be my pleasure to help you use simple marketing strategies to bring that vision to life."

To get your free Smart Simple Marketing Starter Kit and to schedule a complimentary "Profit Breakthrough" coaching session, visit


Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

General Sales Purchase Policy: As we hold a number of special offers at various times, we must adhere to our policy that products and program prices, sales, special discounts, free trials, and the like are valid only for the dates and deadlines upon which they are offered, so they are not valid on previous or future purchases. Also any promo, coupon or discount codes must be used at the time of purchase, at the checkout page in our shopping cart, and they are not valid on previous or future purchases. We don't make exceptions to this policy as it would not be fair practice to do so.



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